FarmGuard Magnesium
Chloride Prill

A nutritional supplement to aid in the prevention of grass staggers (hypomagnesaemia) in cattle.

Contains 12% Elemental Magnesium in the form of Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate. Biogro registered. The feeding of this product to dairy cows may increase their risk of clinical Salmonellosis. It is recommended that veterinary advice is obtained to ascertain potential risks associated with the use of this product in your environment before product is used.

Storage Requirements

Store above ground in a dry, well ventilated place.

Directions for Use

Oral Treatment:

Dose Rate: 80-90 grams Magnesium Chloride per adult cow per day.

Mixing Instructions: Mix 3kg Magnesium Chloride with 2 litres of hot water. Stir to dissolve then leave to cool.

Drenching: 50-60ml Magnesium Chloride drench per adult cow per day. Dose rates can be increased to 100ml twice daily if necessary.


Concentrated solutions of Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate are caustic. Avoid splashing on skin or eyes. Wearing safety goggles when mixing is recommended.

Water Supply Treatment:

Dose Rate: 60-100 grams Magnesium Chloride per adult cow per day.

Treatment: Add total required weight of Magnesium Chloride to the water supply via an in-line dispenser, diluter or with an in-trough floating dispenser. The direct addition to troughs is recommended only for a small number of animals. Allow the stock to become accustomed to the taste by building up levels gradually.

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